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Operating Instructions for Culture Bottles

source: Release time:2023/5/15 17:44:00

  1: The significance of blood culture

  When microorganisms invade the blood and rapidly multiply beyond the ability of the immune system to eliminate these microorganisms, sepsis, Bloodstream infections or fungal Bloodstream infections is one of the common serious, critical and emergency diseases in clinical practice, with a mortality rate of up to 20-50%. Detection of microorganisms in the patient's blood has important clinical significance for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of infectious diseases.

  2: Key points of operation

  Collect blood before the use of intravenous antibiotics (usually at 1 pm) to estimate chills or peak body temperature.

  Ensuring sufficient blood collection, such as 5-10ml/bottle for adults, 1-4ml/bottle for infants and children, is a key factor in improving detection rates.

   Cultivate at least one aerobic bottle and one anaerobic bottle each time, and double bottle collection on both sides can significantly improve the detection rate.

  Strict skin disinfection.

  Precautions for operation

  1. Location: During collection, blood should not be taken from the quiet or Ductus arteriosus, and Venipuncture should be performed additionally.

  2. Blood volume: It is recommended to avoid insufficient or excessive blood collection from a single bottle, with 5-10ml for adult patients and 1-4ml for infants and children

  3. The impact of the number of bottles collected: At least double bottle collection should be ensured, such as using double sided double bottles (four bottles) to collect blood, which can significantly improve the positive detection rate.

  4. Blood collection time: Blood should be collected before antibiotic treatment, estimated before shivering or peak body temperature (usually in the afternoon), and is not suitable for blood collection during or after antibiotic injection.

  5. Disinfection: The puncture skin and rubber plug should be completely disinfected to avoid contamination leading to false positives.

  6. Do not change the needle before inoculating the culture bottle. If a second puncture is required, the needle needs to be changed.

  7. After the blood collection is completed, it should be mixed evenly in reverse to avoid blood clots.

 1、 Skin disinfection

  ◆ Confirm the patient's identity and prepare blood collection equipment.

  ◆ Determine the blood collection site and wipe the Venipuncture point with 70% alcohol for at least 30 seconds.

  ◆ Use iodine solution to wipe the puncture site with a circle from the inside out, with a diameter of 3-5 cm.

  ◆ Allow the collection site to air dry before puncture; Do not touch the vein at the puncture site again.

2. Preparation of cultivation bottles

  1. Check the culture bottle to ensure that it is within its expiration date,

  2. Remove the top transparent protective cover.

  3. The inner rubber plug is not sterile and must be disinfected, with no surface penetration, rupture, or obvious contamination. Apply 70% alcohol or iodine solution for disinfection. Dry for 1 minute before inoculation.
